Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Relationships and Giving of a Different Kind

Hello Again and Welcome Back!

I have a number of things on my mind today....not the least of which is a reminder to me to do a better job of proofing my blog before I publish it. If you caught a few typos last time, sorry. It should NOT have happened. Live & learn .....and be embarrassed......a guaranteed cure for carelessness.

In Baseball, congratulations to the Boston Red Sox for their impressive accomplishment of again SWEEPING the World Series in four straight games. The Sox have been in the World Series twice in the last four years and their record is now 8 and 0......yep, they have won 8 in a row and have yet to lose. So, all you Boston fans, you had to wait for a very long time to see your boys do this well, but wasn't it worth the wait? Many Boston fans were born, lived their lives and died, having never seen the Sox even qualify for a World Series, never mind winning two series in 4 years, including 8 games in a row. Well done Boston! Can you spell DYNASTY???

In the NFL, this past Sunday, we saw the two best teams in the league, New England Patriots (8-0) and the Indianapolis Colts (7-0) each maintain thier unbeaten status. This sets up nicely what will surely be the game of the year between these two talented powerhouse teams this coming Sunday. Fans will also use this as a measure to determine who is the dominant /best quarterback in the NFL......Peyton Manning (Colts) or Tom Brady (Patriots). It should be a dandy football game.



Why is it difficult for so many people to be kind, thoughtful and/or sensitive to the feelings of others? Is it blatant selfishness? Or is it , as some say, because to display such traits is a sign of weakness? And weakness doesn't cut it in this "dog eat dog" world. WRONG!!! It takes true strength of character to openly display compassion, patience & understanding towards others!
So, ignore those who shout "weakness"!! Their ignorance is showing when they speak out in such a way.

Why is it so difficult for so many to be positive about life? To show appreciation for the kindness of others?To be thankful for what they DO have? This may seem to be naive on my part because there are millions of people throughout our world living in impossibly harsh conditions, most notably Africa. Even in North America, we have a completely unacceptable level of homeless people and whole families living below the poverty line. Why is that allowed to persist? There is enough food in the world to easily feed everyone, enough materials to ensure everyone has shelter. Yet, on and on it goes.....in ever increasing larger numbers.

Why do we accept that situation? Is it someone else's responsibility? Are we so wrapped up in our own lives, that we just keep a blind eye towards those less fortunate than us? The "us" I refer to is all of us who have many good reasons to be thankful for the lives we are leading. So the questions to be considered are.... What can we do? What should we do? What responsibility should we feel towards fellow citizens of our community or of the world at large? Is it live & let live? Every man for himself? What's YOUR view?

Here's mine! Most of us have no valid reason to feel or behave as though we are victims of an unfair world system. Since that is the case, then should we perhaps seriously consider putting our focus on GIVING, in some form or other? Apologies to those who already do this ...and there are many....but what about the rest of us?

Giving can be done in several ways. The most traditional methods are:
(1) to contribute money to charitable foundations to fund their good work of clothing, housing, feeding and providing health care for those who simply don't have the means
(2) to donate to the various medical trusts or foundations to help them combat / defeat a large vareity of diseases that afflict many people in the world (AIDS, CANCER, HEART, DIABETES, ARTHRITIS, ETC.)
(3) to volunteer time to collect money for agencies: help with house construction; be a "Big Brother/Sister/Uncle ; man phones at the Suicide Prevention Centers; be trained to become a Rape Counsellor; provide and serve food at the local Drop-in Centers, etc etc.

There are many choices when it comes to volunteer work. But what if we don't have the means or time for these things? Well, there are less obvious, but equally useful and helpful forms of giving.

Here's what I mean.What if each one of us chose to do what we can, every moment of everyday, to be a good (concerned ) neighbour? A good friend? A good employee? A good boss?
An actively involved member of our community?

HOW? Well, by helping others to have reason to smile more often, to feel better about themselves, to be able to see or at least believe that there may be a little bit of a silver lining behind all those dark clouds that dominate their lives most of the time.

What if we could help such people to understand that one closed door does NOT mean that no new doors will ever be opened? Would that be considered a worthwhile form of giving to others? I believe it would.

Then, what if we gradually, but steadily, took it even further by:
  • encouraging others to NEVER give up on their dreams;
  • to stay fervently passionate about what they would like to achieve;
  • to be unfailingly positive about specifically what they want;
  • to help them understand the vital importance of positive thinking;
  • that negative thinking is genuinely counter-productive and is virtually guaranteed to beget the negative consequences that they fear most ....the manifestation of exactly what they do NOT want.

    The Law of Attraction is similar to the Law of Gravity. You can say that you don't believe in either one......but gravity will continue to be real, as will attraction. It is working even when you aren't thinking about it at all. It's always a reality, positively or negatively.

Expressed in its simplest terms, the thoughts that most dominate your life are exactly what will become manifest in your life. Example, in your conscious mind, you may think that you are wishing for positive outcomes in your life. However, if subconsciously your thoughts are focused on negatives, then those undesired outcomes are most likely to become realities in your life.

WHY is it NOT easy to get "clear" of this negative subconscious thinking, someone may ask of you? It's human nature, so people need to be trained & disciplined. What if that person had someone like you in their life, who was constantly upbeat, encouraging and determined to help the negative thinker to really work on turnng their thinking around 180 degrees....from constant fear and negativity to steady, ever present positive thinking? What if you were unrelenting in your intention to help them see that there are reasons to smile a lot more than they have been; to generally "lighten up" and see the more joyful side of life; to believe in the value of dreaming, wishing for good things, visualizing as though they already had them and believing passionately that their thoughts will become things.....realities in their life, all in good time. Additionally, what if you also assured them that although their big dreams WILL ultimately be manifest in their life, until that happens, life can & will be better if they will be "happy in the moment". This simply means their life can be enjoyed and celebrated NOW, every moment, as they enjoy the small steps of progress they see happening daily.

What if, as a result of this mentoring and constant encouragement from you, they develop confidence in the idea that they do indeed have an untapped source of Personal Power within themselves..... a source that is there, ready and waiting to be used ? How will they feel when they learn to use that power to take intelligent actions that will ultimately end in positive manifestations in their lives?

What if each one of us who has learned about, accepted and actively practices these ideas and concepts, acts to influence one or more friends, family members or associates to to begin to use these principles in their lives? Do you think that there may be a strong feeling that you have GIVEN them something worthwhile? My view is that you will have just completed a magnificent act of giving. If your gift of mentoring and encouragement is accepted, appreciated and implemented so well that positive manifestations start to "pour " into their lives, your "giving" will be viewed as a priceless gift. You will benefit as well, from the positive feeling that goes with helping someone decide to turn their life around. You also will have the opportunity to watch them do it......because you GAVE to them what they needed to take the steps required.....constant support and encouragement.

If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to read Michael J.Losier's book "Law of Attraction", as well as Dr. Joe Vitale's book "The ATTRACTOR FACTOR". They are well worth the read and will help you achieve greater clarity on the Law of Attraction.

Losier's book defines the Law of Attraction as follows:

"I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative."

There is also non-deliberate attraction and Losier explains it this way:

"The Law of Attraction responds to whatever vibration you are sending by giving you more of it, whether it's positive or negative . It simply responds to your vibration."

Mr.Losier also makes it clear that we need to understand the significance of our own words....
" Whether it's a positive or negative vibration, the Law of Attraction will give you more of the same."

The author then points out succinctly that there are certain words that cause us to attract what we DON'T want:

"When you make a statement containing the words don't, not or no, you are actually giving attention and energy to what you don't want. Simply ask yourself, 'So what do I want?'

I hope these little bites from the book will pique your interest to buy it, read it and start the process of getting a firm grasp on the Law of Attraction. Then you can begin the process of using that personal power inside you to .....DO..BE...HAVE.... whatever it is you


I believe that most of you would nod in agreement on this factual observation: the world we live in today operates as a fast paced 24/7 culture. This has the predictable effect of peoples' minds
being crammed with an accumulation of life stressors .

Working people take these stressors to the office everyday where the odds are that more stressors will be piled on . The stay at home moms and /or dads don't escape this either. They worry about the health and safety of their children as they go off to school everyday. They worry about the prevalence of the drug culture & the growing amount of school violence ( right inside the school buildings). They worry about the kids falling prey to sexual predators lurking around schools and playgrounds, or the pressure from their peers to experiment with sexual practices ( because "everybody" is doing it). They worry about health issues such as infections being somehow introduced into the school and spreading like wildfire.

No matter what your role or station in life, it is virtually impossible to completely avoid stress. However, it's not the stressors themselves that are most important; the critical factor is how you choose to respond to them.

One of the main reasons people feel stress is they sense a lack of control. At work, people feel that they don't control their work routine and that the boss just keeps pouring on more to do with unreasonable deadlines to be met. They are not asked for their opinion or point of view.

When they arrive home at the end of the day, their spouse is waiting to unload on them the concerns, incidents, tragedies that they had to deal with during that day, involving the kids, the home, finances, the car, etc etc. and they need their partner to get involved and participate in finding solutions.

If the persons facing these stressors allow themselves to be overwhelmed by the issues, if they feel a complete lack of control, the situations can quickly deteriorate and become even more stressful. But, if they can learn to say ...."Wait a minute,I do have choices here. I choose to NOT be a victim of stress. I choose to examine the options that are always available in every situation". Options are not clear to the person whose mind is "boggled" with stressors.

Here's the reality. People do not have to be mindless slaves to a job or a boss. They do not have to just accept a worrisome situation involving the kids and the school system/situation. They do not have to just accept their scary financial situation. There are always options open from which to select the right path for the beginnings of a solution.

The first thing to deal with is the "self talk "that is going on inside of you. Is that inner voice simply repeating the thoughts of negative outcomes? More than likely, this IS what is going on internally. We have in our personal "tool box" a beginning understanding of the personal power we each have, along with knowledge of the principle that we attract what we are thinking and talking about. So, we know that the first thing we need to do is turn off that negativity and express to ourselves in a loud and clear internal voice....exactly what is the OUTCOME WE WANT TO ACHIEVE?

It won't happen magically and /or instantly , of course. But as soon as you are thinking and talking positively, you will start to feel better, more relaxed, more in control. WHY? Because
positive thinking gives rise to intelliegent actions......steps that can and will be taken, one at a time. Now you begin to have the feeling that you are on the way to a solution and the endorphins do their thing inside of you and the stress, little by little , begins to melt away.

Why is it that there are many people who always seem completely unaffected by the stressors
of life? It's not that these calm, in control people, don't have to face stressors in their lives....they do. Everyone does. Their ability to cope comes from the fact that they intuitively know what mind-set will help and what mind-set will hinder and be counter-productive. They know that they can choose to deal with the problem by starting with an examination of the options. Then they decide what they want to achieve as an outcome and what further actions it will take to get there. They may not even have the slightest awareness that they are in step with the energy vibrations of the universe. They may not even have heard of the Law of Attraction. They just intuitively know what behaviours are a waste of time and energy and won't contribute to a solution. They just know what WILL make a difference..... ......positive thinking and intelligent action steps.

Many of you are likely just very naturally working with & following the Law of Attraction principles, without having read about it or studying it. But it will make you feel very good to read about this and to be able to accurately say to yourself, "Wow! I am ahead of the curve on this. I'm already doing the right things!"

Do you think that Bill Gates, Waren Buffet, or for that matter, any of the Fortune 500 CEOs, spend a lot of time worrying about negative outcomes in their lives? Of course they don't. They are too busy thinking positively, looking ahead , deciding on what it is they want to do next. And the universe just keeps on rewarding them with more and more of what they are crystal clear they want to achieve. Were Messrs Gates and Buffet born rich? Were they always successful? No.....they started out like most of us , facing a world of opportunity. They decided to do what they love doing....what they had a passion for. They knew what they wanted, thought constantly positive about it, soon their thoughts became things / realities in their lives, because of the intelligent, step by step actions that they took & that they KNEW would generate the results they wanted.

The other good news is this. Succes , money, achievement, are all available to everyone.There is no short supply of these "commodities". There will always be plenty for everyone .......so you are not running out of time. It'll be there for you when you have made up your mind what it is that you want to DO, BE, or HAVE. But is there any better time than now to start something this exciting and worthwhile? Get on board. Start defining what it is you want and then postively, relentlessly go for it. Enjoy the satisfaction of experiencing little achievements every step along the way. Be happy in each moment. You are doing something very positive for your life, so celebrate each small step victory. Then, as you persist, NEVER giving up in your quest, soon you will see the manifestation in your life of those BIG DREAMS.

I know....I understand ...... that there will be many among you that are convinced that "my trolley is off the track". You are convinced that blood, sweat and tears and a lot of luck are the only things that will bring you some measure of success. Well, as Dr. Phil would say.......
" Okay. How's that working for you ? " Just examine closely any successful person of your choice. You'll find that they intuitvely practice all the principles we've talked about. Or, they have purposefully learned about the Secret and the Law of Attraction and are consciously
applying the principles in their lives. But, you have a choice....as always. You may choose to continue in your present path or you can choose to read, study & examine closely what we have been discussing and see if it begins to make sense to you.

Whatever course you choose, I wish you well. But you know what I recommend!

That's it for this time. I will really enjoy and appreciate any feedback you may have on any subject of your choice. Stay well. Eat healthily. Get your exercise daily. Most of all........


Regards to all. See you next time.


Monday, October 22, 2007


Hello Everyone,

I am excited about having this blog because I know it is going to provide me with the opportunity to "meet" many new and interesting people. I have an insatiable curiosity about life and this interesting world we live in, particuarly the people in it. So I have many diverse interests that I am looking forward to sharing with you. I will be expressing my views ,asking you questions, challenging you or asking you to challenge me on something I have said. In other words, I am looking for and expecting a lively exchange of views and opinions. In that way, we can all learn from the many thoughts and ideas that will come out. So, you have now been warned that this blog will likely be a "pot pourri" of subjects as we go along.


I have included in this opening edition, a short and simple survey for you to answer on the question of "WHAT IS UPPERMOST ON YOUR MIND NOW". You have five choices and you may check as many as you like.If your priority issue is not there, send me an email to tell me what it is. So, please take a couple of moments to respond to this survey. We'll use the information to focus on what is of prime interest to the majority. Thanks for doing this.


Being a big baseball fan, I have to take a moment to congratulate the Boston Red Sox on their remarkable achievement on Sunday evening. They completed an impressive come back in their series with the Cleveland Indians. After being down 3-1 in games , it didn't look very bright for Boston. But they won three consecutive pressure packed ball games and took the series four games to three. Wow ! And even more impressive, this is the second time this team has accomplished this almost impossible feat. Remember a few years back in the American League Championship series with the mighty Yankees? They were also down 3-1 in games and came back to devastate the Yankees, who really thought they had it won. So well done, Boston. You are indeed a team of champions.But don't take the Colorado Rockies lightly. They are a very solid team. The series starts this Wed. evening.


Most of us will agree that the most important determining factor as to whether our present course of life is happy or disappointing , is the quality of our relationship with our "significant other". If your relationship is deteriorating, or at a standstill, or at the very best, progressing very slowly , it can be the cause of people giving up and just accepting their fate or deciding that the only logical course is to leave and get right out of the situation. Admittedly , sometimes that may well be the right thing to do. However, before that decision is made,
the couple should know that it does NOT have to be that way. It is possible to turn a relationship around and save it. But it needs two people who are both committed to
whatever "work" is necessary to make the difference.

There are some who believe that a relationship should not require having to "work " at it. Their view is that either you love each other and are right for each other, or you are not.
And if you are not, then the relationship just ends. Well, they couldn't be more incorrect.

Let me explain. If your relationship is frustrating, causing sadness and unhappiness, would it not be wise to determine why? What exactly are the problem? And are there some workable solutions available? Answer? Yes, definitely. Think of the example of trying to have a successful garden. Once the seeds are planted , do you just walk away and think that the garden will be just fine or that it doesn't need any further attention? Of course not! It needs to be nurtured, nourished, watered and weeded occasionally. So do relationships.

So, if you and your partner hit a bad patch or bumps in the road, don't despair. Go to work on it instead.Both partners need to "get on board" and share equally in the effort to make things better. What is needed is some good honest,frank & healthy discussions,with both of you practicing 'active listening" (focusing on really hearing and understanding what your partner is expressing). Forget about who is right. Focus on what is right or wrong for the health of the relationship. Adjustments on both parts will likely be needed. Perhaps some of those dreaded "sacrifices" will also be required. And both of you need to be prepared to allow your partner to continue to be the person they were when you were first attracted to them. Instead of seething inside and compiling a mental list of all the things he or she does that you don't like or appreciate, focus on what that list of things says about you. And then remind yourself of all the traits and characteristics and little behaviors that you love and adore.

If the two of you are serious and persist in this determined relationship repair , everyone of the barriers that were causing you to think about leaving, can be soon lowered and/ or eliminated.Then once the two of you have done this, you will experience the joy you knew previously and will be reminded as to why you got together in the first place. You will also now have in your relationship "tool box" the means to continue to pay attention to the relationship and to do some minor fine tuning from time to time to keep things up to speed.

There is much,much more that deserves to be said on this subject . If this seems to you to be deserving of more time and attention, then we will do it.


Do you know that you are filled with power that you likely don't even recognize that you have? But it is there, inside you, waiting to be used. With the proper use of that personal power, you can BE, DO, HAVE ANYTHING YOU DECIDE YOU WANT.

Once you accept this as a basic truth about yourself, you will get a good grasp on the power, harness it and use it in ways that will change your life forever. Again, imagine achieving anything that you decide you want

So, how does this happen? Well, you can't just WISH it was so. It requires your personal power, your emotional drive , your absolute passion for what you are doing , as well as unrelenting determination to succeed.....the refusal to quit or give up ...EVER

Thoughts become things. But, as mentioned, NOT by just wishing it was so. Sorry folks, it's just not that simple. But if you think about what you want, visualize it as though it is already yours,stay passionate about it, use laser-like focus on it and put it all together with intelligent action, then you will soon be amazed and delighted with what you have achieved .

Dr. Joe Vitale simplifies it even more. Here is the simple step. Dr.Joe says that if you use it properly at the beginning, you will be successful even sooner.....or it will feel like it was very fast

What is it? He calls it "be happy in the now" .....this moment and every moment. Live each moment with joy. Love your present life. Don't be discouraged if the BIG DREAMS you have
and are trying to manifest, seem to be slow in coming. The more you HAVE to have something, the longer you are going to wait for it. Go ahead and think the thoughts, do the visualization and take the actions you have decided on . But relax and enjoy every moment of the little achievements, as you are working towards the larger ones.Take delight in the little steps of forward progress you are making , every moment of every day. Then suddenly, the big dreams will start being fulfilled.

Hard concepts to accept? Yes, the first time you hear this, it is mind boggling! But what if it is true? Have you ever read Napoleon Hill's famous book "THINK and GROW RICH" ? If not, you should, as soon as possible. It will excite you with enthusiasm you didn't know you had. The book was written many years ago and is still considered THE BOOK of its kind. It is revered all over the world. This wonderful little book has this encouraging quote:



After you have read the book, suggest that if you haven't already done so, arrange to see or get the movie, The Secret . It is really thought provoking.


Here is one last reminder for you. Are you faced with the challenge of having to write some important personal document and you are not feeling comfortable at all about having to do it?

You know what must be said but are just not sure how to say it properly and effectively?
Relax ....help is at hand.

I operate a professional writing & editing website for just such circumstances. Go to my website, check it out and if you like what you see there, use the form provided online to tell me about your project. Or, if you prefer to just have a conversation with me about the task, my phone number is there. Call me . We can and we will relieve your anxiety. I guarantee satisfaction.

Go to http://www.jjwritesmith.com/

Well, that's it for this time. I look forward to hearing from you. Remember, if two people always agree, one of them isn't thinking.

Have a productive day. Remember, be happy in the moment. Focus on the now and you'll take care of the future.

